

Friday, August 05, 2011

The Power of @Poconggg

Why do I named this post The Power of @Poconggg?

Do you know who @Poconggg is? @Poconggg is his twitter account. His name is Poconggg, not pocong. Pocong is a species (Poconggg said that). He's a cool guy, I guess. But........ He's lack of love and single (for forever maybe, eh? :p sorry conggg)

Because of him, I got a lot of followers on my twitter account. From 313 to 422. W00t! Thank you Poconggg! And for my new followers, I'm really sorry I can't follow you back, please just add my facebook account. It doesn't mean that I'm mean to you guys, but it's because I've followed too much people and sometimes I feel like I want to unfollow some of them because they talk too much useless things on twitter. For example: "arghhhh >:O", "brb makan", "mandi dulu ah", "duhhh galau :(", etc (in just seconds). I used to be like that, but now I have realized and I stop doing that. It's spamming and annoying. Twitter is not a one-stop-diary, fellas. Remember that.

Why could I get a lot of followers? Because... First, I took a photo with Poconggg's book, Poconggg Juga Pocong. Then I mentioned the photo to Poconggg, he retweeted my photo and put some comment. After that......... my mention was so damn crowded and suddenly everybody's following. I was like, "OMGosh. The Power of Poconggg!". So, I decided to put it on my blog.
Me and Poconggg Juga Pocong. Last time I saw the photo on twitpic.com, it has been viewed for 13,133 times (and still increasing).
By the way, the novel belongs to my friend, Janice Manuella, not mine. I borrowed it from her because I haven't bought the novel.

Before I borrowed it, me and my 5 friends met up at Plaza Semanggi. Yaaa, you know what young adults do, eating and gossiping at one time. We were doing that too :p yaaa, spending time together before we enter university life because we go to different universities x_x

I go to Atma Jaya Catholic University, Janice goes to University of Indonesia, Anna goes to University of Diponegoro, Gloria goes to Tarumanegara University, Minda goes to Moestopo University, and at last but not least, Vita goes to STBA LIA. Huhuhuhu, I'm gonna miss my girls so much :(

above L to R: Janice, Minda, Gloria
below L to R: Anna, me, Vita

End of my post, thank you Janice for borrowing me Poconggg Juga Pocong, thanks to @Poconggg for retweeting my tweet, thank you fellas for our 'last' (not literally) lunch, and thank you so much for my new followers! I'm so honored! ;)